Sign up and start applying for high-paying remote jobs from companies around the world. Work from home, earn in USD.
In order to keep the project sustainable and clean, we have made it a paid community. There are 4 membership levels: Annual Premium (N5,000), Bi-annual Premium (N2500), Quarterly Premium (N1,500), and Monthly Premium (N500). Cancel anytime.

Our annual membership subscription gives you yearly access to unlimited high-paying remote jobs (multiple categories), free resource videos, and premium support.
You’ll become a Memos affiliate at this level. You can earn as much as N100,000 monthly in commissions by sharing remote jobs and recommending Memos to your network.
Our bi-annual membership plan gives you access to ALL high-paying remote jobs in our platform via a subscription payment of N2,500 every six months (automated recurring payments) until you cancel anytime.
Our premium membership plan gives you access to ALL high-paying remote jobs in our platform via a quarter subscription payment of N1,500 (automated quarterly payments) until you cancel anytime.
Our monthly membership plan gives you access to ALL high-paying remote jobs in our platform via a monthly subscription payment of N500 (automated monthly payments) until you cancel anytime.